A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.
I started working in the structural engineering industry when I graduated with my Master’s degree from the Colorado School of Mines in 2018. Spending two and a half years in the Bay Area working on various projects ranging from art piece installations to sports entertainment facilities. My last year was spent as an investigative engineer in Denver, Colorado. I worked on Facade Access and Fall Protection, an aspect of buildings that is often neglected and forgotten.
I determined I wanted to move on from engineering consulting after three and a half years to exercise a different part of my brain. I also fulfilled one of my other goals of getting my Professional Engineering License in Colorado, and California. My favorite part of engineering was interacting with people and presenting them solutions. I wanted my next opportunity to develop presentation skills, while also educating myself on how businesses can be run.
I transitioned to a sales operation role with the above mentioned criteria in mind. With this new career, I present to representatives in different teams ranging from sales, to customer success. I work with teams and individuals to help close deals, and further determine areas to optimize communication between teams.
Like the quote at the top of this page, I hope to hone skills in a wide spectrum so that I can perform a lot tasks at an above average consistency.
Compared to the Coloradans around me, I wouldn’t say I have a lot of passions or hobbies. However, I’ve tried to have a good mix between outdoor and indoor hobbies.
One of my oldest hobbies is art. I have been drawing and painting from a very young age, albeit on and off. I probably would have been a better artist at this stage in my life if I had been a bit more dedicated. However, the process of developing an art style has been a fun process these last few years, especially during the pandemic.
As a continuation of “artistic” hobbies, I enjoy photography. This was a good medium between outdoor and indoor. I had always admired people that can take a snapshot of a moment and convey the atmosphere/mood as if you were actually there. The challenges that come with this process is one that I’ve wanted to learn more about. Photography can be landscape/cityscape, I’ve enjoyed trying street photography recently.
I enjoy hiking early in the morning when time permits. Maybe due to my introverted nature and desire to experience a location in solitude, early hikes lead me to take in a location’s beauty without the disruption of other individuals… not that they would be disruptions… people are great.
Soccer/Football whatever you want to call it. I’ve enjoyed playing ever since I started in sixth grade. I’m fortunate to still be able to play and it’s been a great way to take my mind off of everything else that goes on in life when I play.