Lakeside Amusement Park – Man at Boat Ride

Lakeside Amusement Park - Man at Boat Ride

Thought Process:

I was trying to see if I can capture all of the fluorescent lights at this attraction at Lakeside with a more subtle “main subject”. The first location your eyes should be directed towards in this picture is the bright yellow overhang. Maybe your eye drags itself towards the ticket booth or up above to the “boats” sign. Eventually as your eyes travel through the picture you’ll notice the man waiting at the gate as the main subject.

Personal Thoughts:

In terms of composition/layout of the picture, I think I could have positioned myself more towards the left of the subject. That way I can avoid the bright sign in the background of the other attraction. I really like the lights reflecting off the surface of the concrete. The main issue I see is how difficult it is to spot the man in the picture. I wish he was wearing something brighter so that it’s more obvious he was the main subject.