Thought Process:
I saw the corners of the building radiating a deep red color when walking around downtown Denver during sunrise. The contrast between the deep red and the dark shadows popped and wanted to see if I can capture it. I also wanted to remove as much information from the sky as possible in order to make the viewers eyes focus directly to the subject which is the bright building corner.
Personal Thoughts:
I was about to go home after walking around about an hour starting from dawn. Honestly… walking around Denver started to make me think about why I wasn’t able to find anything interesting to take a picture of. This subsequently led to the thought that Denver, although nice to live, was a stunningly… uninteresting city with boring architecture outside of the generic tourist attractions like Union Station. Thankfully, I strained myself and tried to see if I can try harder to find an interesting location. It was good practice and I think I’ll be trying this again.